Published: 31 December 2009

Autocorrelation function for human gait analysis

M. Derlatka1
A. Kotowski2
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The paper presents applying of the autocorrelation function to human gait analysis. The series of angle signals at the hip, knee and ankle joints of patients with different pathological states were analyzed. The signals were processed by means of the autocorrelation function. This approach allowed to apply the simple mathematical function for analytic description of curves. By using curve fitting, parameters of 5th order polynomial function were evaluated. Mean values and standard deviation of six parameters were observed in relation to human gait pathology. The results indicate new possibilities for applying the method to diagnose human gait using the autocorrelation function

About this article

23 June 2009
27 November 2009
31 December 2009
autocorrelation function
human gait
curve fitting
analytic description