Published: 31 March 2009

The research system for vibration analysis in domestic installation pipes

R. Ramanauskas1
D. Gailius2
V. Augutis3
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A measurement and data processing system was developed for investigation of processes that influence sound propagation in pipes, which are commonly used in residence building industry. An impact-type excitation was mainly used for a controlled wide-band frequency mechanical vibrations excitation. Pipe surface vibrations were measured by means of accelerometers and microphones. Scanning device was used for positioning transducers over a tested pipe. The wave propagation and vibration analysis in pipeline segments of several types of pipes (plastic and metallic) was carried out. Because of various pipes working conditions, empty and filled pipes were tested as well. The experimental data indicates that both in metal and plastic pipes vibrations up to several kilohertz may propagate with low attenuation factor

About this article

10 January 2009
10 March 2009
31 March 2009
pipe vibrations
vibration measurement