Published: 30 September 2008

Research of the influence of load, systolic blood pressure and pathology on local pressure in elastic arteries

M. Mariunas1
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Paper presents dependencies between local blood pressure in the place of pathology and the magnitude of the load, the level of vessels pathology, the systolic blood pressure, age and gender, derived by analytical-numerical and experimental ways. The balance of the influence of estimating parameters to local blood pressure in the place of pathology have been formed and it presents the following results: the major part of effect falls in to the level of vessels pathology – 43–47 %, the effectiveness caused by systolic blood pressure – 28–30 %, the part of person’s loading magnitude exceeds 16–20% and only 7–9% falls into person’s age. Presented analytical expression enables to calculate the local blood pressure in the place of pathology due to particular vessels pathology level, load, systolic blood pressure and age

About this article

01 July 2008
01 August 2008
30 September 2008
systolic blood pressure
pressure in the place of pathology
elastic arteries