Published: 30 September 2007

Surgical treatment of equinus foot deformity in cerebral palsy patients

L. Sycheuski1
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Since 1997 thirty seven spastic cerebral palsy children (54 feet) with shortening m. triceps surae (soleus and gastocnemius portions) underwent heel cord advancement by simplified technique of Murphy procedure. Good correction of the deformity and gait improvement was obtained in 52 cases (96%). No patient had a recurrence of equines. All patients and his parents are satisfied with results of treatment. It study has documented that heel cord advancement is biomechanicaly- and pathophysiologicaly- grounded procedure for adequate correction and following prevention of equinus deformity. Proposed technique of heel cord advancement is relatively simple minimal invasive and can use for treatment as single or(and) with combination in multilevel operations. Best results of surgical treatment obtained in young child who has non-formed rigid deformation and has no stable pathological gait patterns yet

About this article

06 June 2007
12 September 2007
30 September 2007
Cerebral palsy
equines foot deformity
heel cord advancement