Published: 30 September 2007

Vibrations of a double wall plane adaptive to electrorheological materials

R. Vaicaitis1
S. Liu2
E. Jotautiene3
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An analytical study of vibrations response and control capabilities of an Electrorheological (ER) material-filled double wall plate to random excitation pressure is presented. The governing equations of motion are developed by incorporating the ER material constitutive relations to thin face plate equations. A three-parameter viscoelastic model is used to characterize ER material behaviour in pre-yield regime. The effect of electric field strength on the response of the double wall sandwich plate with ER material is investigated. Numerical results include response spectral densities and modal frequencies for several ER material core thicknesses and different electric field levels

About this article

24 August 2007
27 August 2007
30 September 2007
electrorheological materials
sandwich plate
random response