Published: 30 June 2007

CFAR vibration signal change test and its applications to real-time recognition of developing cracks in jet engine rotors

N. A. Nechval1
K. N. Nechval2
G. Berzins3
M. Purgailis4
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This paper introduces a new technique for early identification of fatigue cracks, namely the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) test. This test works on the null hypotheses that a target vibration signal is statistically similar to a reference vibration signal. In effect, this is a time-domain signal processing technique that compares two signals, and returns the likelihood whether the two signals are similar or not. The system monitors the vibration signal of the rotor as it cycles, and compares that vibration signal with, say, the original vibration signal. The difference vector reflects the change in vibration over time. As a crack develops, the vector changes in a characteristic way. Thus, it is possible, during CFAR test, to determine whether the two signals are similar or not. Therefore, by comparing a given vibration signal to a number of reference vibration signals (for several crack scenarios) it is possible to state which is the most likely condition of the rotor under analysis. The CFAR test not only successfully identifies the presence of the fatigue cracks but also gives an indication related to the advancement of the crack. This test, despite its simplicity, is an extremely powerful method that effectively classifies different vibration signals, allowing for its safe use as another condition monitoring technique

About this article

20 April 2007
15 June 2007
30 June 2007
Vibration signal
CFAR test